

Marwege, A.; Guelhan, A.

Unsteady Aerodynamics of the Retropropulsion Re-entry Burn of Vertically Landing Launchers Journal Article

In: AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2023.

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Laureti, M.; Karl, S.

Aerothermal analysis of the RETALT2 vehicle Conference

EAC2023 , Lausanne, 2023.

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Zaiacomo, G. De; Medici, G.; Princi, A.; Ghignoni, P.; Botelho, A.; Arlandis, M. Martinez; Recupero, C.; A.Fabrizi,; Fernandez, V.; Guidotti, G.

RETALT: Development of Key Flight Dynamics and GNC Technologies for Reusable Launchers Conference

IAC2022 , Paris, 2022.

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Ghignoni, P.; Botelho, A.; Recupero, C.; A.Fabrizi,; Fernandez, V.; Zaiacomo, G. De

RETALT: Recovery GNC for the Retro-Propulsive Vertical Landing of an Orbital Launch Vehicle Conference

HiSST2022 , Bruges, 2022.

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Becker, L.

Konstruktion und Fertigung eines Landebeins für das RETALT Projekt Diploma Thesis


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Thies, C.

Investigation of the landing dynamics of a reusable launch vehicle and derivation of dimension loading for the landing leg Journal Article

In: CEAS Space Journal, 2022.

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Guelhan, A.; Marwege, A.; Vos, J.

Retro propulsion assisted landing technologies: the RETALT project Journal Article

In: CEAS Space Journal, 2022.

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Marwege, A.; Guelhan, A.; Klevanski, J.; Hantz, C.; Karl, S.; Laureti, M.; Zaiacomo, G. De; Vos, J.; Jevons, M.; Thies, C.; Krammer, A.; Lichtenberger, M.; Carvalho, J.; Paixão, S.

RETALT: review of technologies and overview of design changes Journal Article

In: CEAS Space Journal, 2022.

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Marwege, A.; Kirchheck, D.; Klevanski, J.; Guelhan, A.

Hypersonic retro propulsion for reusable launch vehicles tested in the H2K wind tunnel Journal Article

In: CEAS Space Journal, 2022.

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Marwege, A.; Klevanski, J.; Hantz, C.; Kirchheck, D.; Guelhan, A.; Karl, S.; Laureti, M.; Zaiacomo, G. De; Vos, J.; Thies, C.; Jevons, M.; Krammer, A.; Lichtenberger, M.; Carvalho, J.; Paixão, S.

Key Technologies for Retro Propulsive Vertical Descent and Landing – RETALT – An Overview Conference

FAR2022 , Heilbronn, 2022.

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Marwege, A.; Hantz, C.; Kirchheck, D.; Klevanski, J.; Vos, J.; Laureti, M.; Karl, S.; Guelhan, A.

Aerodynamic Phenomena of Retro Propulsion Descent and Landing Configurations Conference

FAR2022 , Heilbronn, 2022.

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Vos, J.; Charbonnier, D.; Marwege, A.; Hantz, C.; Guelhan, A.

CFD Simulations and Wind Tunnel Experiments for Re-usable Launch Vehicles Conference

FAR2022 , Heilbronn, 2022.

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Laureti, M.; Karl, S.; Marwege, A.; Guelhan, A.

Aerothermal Databases and CFD Based Load Predictions Conference

FAR2022 , Heilbronn, 2022.

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Zaiacomo, G. De; Medici, G.; Princi, A.

Mission Engineering for the Recovery and Vertical Landing of an Orbital Launch Vehicle Conference

FAR2022 , Heilbronn, 2022.

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Martinez, M.; Ghignoni, P.; Botelho, A.; Recupero, C.; A.Fabrizi,; Fernandez, V.; Zaiacomo, G. De

Optimum GNC Solutions for the Recovery and Vertical Landing of an Orbital Launch Vehicle Conference

FAR2022 , Heilbronn, 2022.

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Paixão, S.; Carvalho, J.; Hantz, C.

Development of a Trowelable TPS Cork Material for Reusable Launch Vehicles Conference

FAR2022 , Heilbronn, 2022.

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Hantz, C.; Marwege, A.; Paixão, S.; Celotti, L.; Wiśniewska, M.

Thermal Characterization of Cork and Ceramics-Based TPS in DLRS Arc-heated Wind Tunnel L2K Conference

FAR2022 , Heilbronn, 2022.

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Thies, C.

Drop Test Description and Evaluation of a Landing Leg for a Re-usable Future Launche Vehicle Conference

FAR2022 , Heilbronn, 2022.

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Krammer, A.; Nebuloni, S.; Lichtenberger, M.

Landing Leg and Aerodynamic Control Surface Mechanisms and Functional Demonstrators for the RETALT1 Launch Vehicle Conference

FAR2022 , Heilbronn, 2022.

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Charonnier, D.; Vos, J.; Marwege, A.; Hantz, C.

Computational fluid dynamics investigations of aerodynamic control surfaces of a vertical landing configuration Journal Article

In: CEAS Space Journal, 2022.

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Marwege, A.; Hantz, C.; Kirchheck, D.; Klevanski, J.; Guelhan, A.; Charbonnier, D.; Vos, J.

Wind tunnel experiments of interstage segments used for aerodynamic control of retro-propulsion assisted landing vehicles Journal Article

In: CEAS Space Journal, 2022.

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Botelho, A.; Fabrizi, M. Martinez A.; Zaiacomo, G. De

Design of the landing guidance for the retro-propulsive vertical landing of a reusable rocket stage Journal Article

In: CEAS Space Journal, 2022.

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Zaiacomo, G. De; Arnao, G. Blanco; Bunt, R.; Bonetti, D.

Mission engineering for the RETALT VTVL Launcher Journal Article

In: CEAS Space Journal, 2022.

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Krammer, A.; Blecha, L.; Lichtenberger, M.

Fin actuation, thrust vector control and landing leg mechanisms design for the RETALT VTVL Launcher Journal Article

In: CEAS Space Journal, 2022.

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Paixão, S.; Peixoto, C.; Reinas, M.; Carvalho, J.

RETALT_TPS design and manufacturing Journal Article

In: CEAS Space Journal, 2022.

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Laureti, M.; Karl, S.

Aerothermal databases and load predictions for Retro Propulsion-Assisted Launch Vehicles (RETALT) Journal Article

In: CEAS Space Journal, 2022.

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Vos, J.; Charbonnier, D.; Marwege, A.; Guelhan, A.; Laureti, M.; Karl, S.

Aerodynamic investigations of a Vertical Landing Launcher configuration by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Wind Tunnel Tests Conference

AIAA Scitech 2022 Forum , San Diego, 2022.

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Botelho, A.; Recupero, C.; Fernandez, V.; Fabrizi, A.; Zaiacomo, G. De

RETALT: Development of an Optimal GNC Solution for Recovery of an Orbital Launch Vehicle Conference

International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques , Madrid, Spain, 2021.

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Bonetti, D.; Zaiacomo, G. De; Arnao, G. Blanco; Medici, G.; Hove, B. Van; Bunt, R.

DEIMOS Space R&D projects on Reusable Launchers Conference

III Congreso de Ingenieria Espacial , Madrid, Spain, 2020.

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Marwege, A.; Guelhan, A.; Klevanski, J.; Riehmer, J.; Karl, S.; Kirchheck, D.; Bonetti, D.; Vos, J.; Jevons, M.; Krammer, A.; Carvalho, J.

Retro Propulsion Assisted Landing Technologies (RETALT): Current Status and Outlook of the EU funded project on Reusable Launch Vehicles Conference

70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) , Washington D.C. USA, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Starke, P.; Dorbath, C.; Zell, D.

Design and Manufacturing Status of Advanced Structures for Reusable Launch Systems Demonstrators with Retro Propulsion Assisted Landing Technologies (RETALT) Conference

70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) , Washington D.C. USA, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Guelhan, A.; Marwege, A.; Klevanski, J.; Karl, S.; Bonetti, D.; Vos, J.; Jevons, M.; Krammer, A.; Carvalho, J.

RETALT - RETro propulsion Assisted Landing Technologies Conference

Internation Plenatry Probe Workshop , Oxford, UK, 2019.

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Starke, P.; Dorbath, C.

Design and Manufacturing Status of Advanced Structures for Reusable Launch Systems Demonstrators with Retro Propulsion Assisted Landing Technologies (RETALT) Conference

EUCASS , Madrid, Spain, 2019.

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